30 October, 2011
le boyfriend
Le boyfriend is here for a week so I will be busy spending time with him instead of haning on the computer, so you guys know! :D
25 October, 2011
Marie In Aristocats Make Up
My very first make up series! And the theme is disney animals!!
My first make up look is inspired by the beautiful and super cute Marie in Aristocats!
A video will be up tomorrow!

24 October, 2011
Spending my day going through pictures and editing, planing for halloween party and studying for my drivers license!
Just finished going through the photos from yesterday, i got 741 pictures to be 71!! yay!
23 October, 2011
Todays photoshoot with Cookie!
Today i photographed my good friend Cookie!
She is so awesome infront of the camera and I think we got some reaaaallly nice photos!
But with 500 pics from yesterday and 700 from today i have got A LOT of editing and going through pics-time to do!! ;D
Ill show you the results as soon as they're done and I'm so sorry for posting a lot of only text post, I hate when I don't include a picture! :(
22 October, 2011
Todays photoshoot

I dont have time to edit all the photos I took today so I just edited this one real quick! more coming later!
Isn't she gorgeous!?
Photographer: Johanna Nordlander
Model: Freja Boholm
Make up: Johanna Nordlander
Assistant: Lnn Strandberg
Well I TRIED making an open wound today, even though I have like nothin to work with, no wax, no spirit glue, wrong tools and not even a good RED color!!! I had like orange-red and purple-red! So I'm going to need to get a RED color!! ;)
I make a home made prostatic gel though it worked great!
You only need gelatin, glycerin (or glycerol) and water!
You mix equal parts of the 3 ingrediens and mix, put in the microwave for 10-20 sec on high temperature then stir around and put it back for another 10-20 min then take it out and wait 5-10 min for it to cool down and harden. The. You stroke it on you skin and wait 5-10 min. Then you cab do whatever you want! I made a hole and scratched the prostaticgel outwards so it looked like flesh!
Hope this helped you and I promis I will come back with better results! Remeber it was my first time doing this;)
I make a home made prostatic gel though it worked great!
You only need gelatin, glycerin (or glycerol) and water!
You mix equal parts of the 3 ingrediens and mix, put in the microwave for 10-20 sec on high temperature then stir around and put it back for another 10-20 min then take it out and wait 5-10 min for it to cool down and harden. The. You stroke it on you skin and wait 5-10 min. Then you cab do whatever you want! I made a hole and scratched the prostaticgel outwards so it looked like flesh!
Hope this helped you and I promis I will come back with better results! Remeber it was my first time doing this;)
21 October, 2011
Make up for LOOK
Last week I got to do make up on two models for LOOK (a swedish online fashion magazine)
I had so much fun and the stylist that were arranging this photo shoot did an awesome job!
I did the preppy and rock make up! Check it out!
19 October, 2011
photography plans
This weekend i will be doing photoshoots! I'm so excited! :D
So im planing for that now and figuring stuff out. Ive also got a lot of ideas for other photoshoots so i guess ill be photographing lots more now! :D
18 October, 2011
wear a smile!

This picture says it all!
And I'm going to quote my best friends mother and say that any outfit looks good as long as you have a good position and stand up straight ;D
Make up series
I'm feeling like making a make up series, just because i have never done one and i think it will be easier to get inspired and actually do a look!
So what themes do you want me to do?
I'm thinking super heroes? good vs evil, ancient greece/egypt (beacuse i looove ancient greece and egypt!), centuries, disney animals, disney princesses, celebrities etc!
what do you guys think? any ideas?
Selling my old D60 camera
For my swedish readers
Min förra kamera ligger ute på tradera nu! Så om du letar efter en bra och billig kamera så passa på att buda nu!
Jag har haft den ett tag men tar ändå fantastiska bilder! bilderna jag tagit som är på denna blogg har jag tagit med min D60!
the annoying thing about google
My blogger/blogspot account has my main e-mail. But my youtube account has another e-mail.
And this is super annoying because google is beeing all like mean because if im logged into my youtube, it aoutomaticly logst into that e-mail adress to blogger/blogspot. So i cant be logged into both at the same time. Make sense?
Anyone know how to unlink youtube and blogger/blogspot??
because i really don't feel like making a new blog or a new youtube that has the same e-mail... :(
16 October, 2011
Halloween makeup

Yesterday I did this makeup for like 7 hours, though i changed it a million times and just played around with it, i had no idea what i was doing the entire time!
not sure what to call it though, kind of skull, clown, freaky weirdo halloween makeup?
now im going to watch PAN AM! FINALLY! :D
14 October, 2011
Photographer Emmelie Åslin
Today I had a super fun time assisting Emmelie Åslin! She is an awesome pin up photographer!
Her website: emmelieaslin.se
You have to check her out her photos are SICK!
Today she photographed the fantastic alternative model Lenore Caine (Miss Caine)
Her website: www.wix.com/lenorecain/mscaine
I'm looking forward to seeing the results! I'll link it to you when it's up! :D
Her website: emmelieaslin.se
You have to check her out her photos are SICK!
Today she photographed the fantastic alternative model Lenore Caine (Miss Caine)
Her website: www.wix.com/lenorecain/mscaine
I'm looking forward to seeing the results! I'll link it to you when it's up! :D
11 October, 2011
My very first fish bone braid!
I've been practicing different kinds of braids on my little sister and this is a picture of my very first attempt at the fish bone braid!
Super fun and easy to do, now I only have to practice to have it more tight!
Super fun and easy to do, now I only have to practice to have it more tight!
whats up
So right now im pretty much focusing on my drivers licens, its so hard! :S
And I'm also dancing alot, i have a dance competition o the 5th of november, I'm so excited! :D
Question for all of you, whats your opinion on lack tights??
09 October, 2011
Vill du plugga?

Om du planerar att plugga vidare så kan jag tipsa om denna sida: Studeravidare.se.
De har massor med information om högskolor, yrken och utbildningar osv!
Jag tycker själv att den verkar väldigt, enkel, fräsh, och proffsig!
t ex så kan du läsa om varför man ska göra högskoleprovet, hur man gör osv. även kolla ditt snittbetyg! Jag använde denna sida när jag kollade mitt snittbetyg, det är super enkelt!
PLUS om du vill hjälpa mig VINNA en dator så kan du hemskt gärna få trycka på denna länk:
ju fler klick ju mer chans har man att vinna och jag vill så SJUKT gärna ha en mac book air så jag kan redigera bilder, redigera filmer, och såklart börja blogga normalt igen! :D <3
..eftersom jag HAR INGEN DATOR!
Please click this link: http://www.studeravidare.se/bloggc?id=7uyql310snc
The more clicks i have the bigger the chance of winning an mac book air!! and as you know i do not have a computer right now and my parents thinks mac is too expensive, so it would mean the world to me if you could just click the link! :D <3
07 October, 2011
Sparkely new blush!
Along with the eyebrow colors I got a new blush/rouge!
I've only had one blush ever and now it's pretty much all gone! Wich is amazing because I use blush almost every day and it's lasted Sooo long! Wow!
Anyway so since I've had the same for about 2 years I wanted to try something new, more pink. And I also chose one that shimmers and sparkles.
And oh how I regret it! Changing blush is hard man! XD
So I've learnt something about my self, I want matte blushes! ;)
(old and new blush in the pics)
Both from Isa Dora! :)
I've only had one blush ever and now it's pretty much all gone! Wich is amazing because I use blush almost every day and it's lasted Sooo long! Wow!
Anyway so since I've had the same for about 2 years I wanted to try something new, more pink. And I also chose one that shimmers and sparkles.
And oh how I regret it! Changing blush is hard man! XD
So I've learnt something about my self, I want matte blushes! ;)
(old and new blush in the pics)
Both from Isa Dora! :)
Eyebrow colors
Loving iPhone blogging!
This is amazing! It works great and is super easy and awesome! So easy!
So to the title:
Last week I finally got a triple eyebrow color palette and I'm loving it!
It hasn't been one of my priorities before but now I was just so sick of not having a good color for my eyebrows I never liked the brown I used to use, and black was to much some times.
This is from viva la diva and cost only (I think) 70 kr!!!
This is amazing! It works great and is super easy and awesome! So easy!
So to the title:
Last week I finally got a triple eyebrow color palette and I'm loving it!
It hasn't been one of my priorities before but now I was just so sick of not having a good color for my eyebrows I never liked the brown I used to use, and black was to much some times.
This is from viva la diva and cost only (I think) 70 kr!!!
This is a test!
I've downloaded the blogger app for my phone so if this works nice I'll be able to blog through my phone until I have a computer! :D
And I've made some yummy "kärleks mums" nomnomnom!
I've downloaded the blogger app for my phone so if this works nice I'll be able to blog through my phone until I have a computer! :D
And I've made some yummy "kärleks mums" nomnomnom!
05 October, 2011
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